Play Dough
“Play Dough”
1 cup baby rice cereal
1 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
liquid food coloring (be sure it is gluten-free)
Whisk baby rice cereal with cornstarch. Add applesauce and oil, mixing with a fork. Knead until all elements are incorporated. Divide in fourths and place into four bowls. Add 8-10 drops of food coloring per bowl. Then mix using your hands. You will have very messy hands, but the color will wash out easily later. Wash hands between colors so as not to mix colors unintentionally. However, once colors are mixed in, you can work with any color, and the color will not be affected unless you purposely try to mix the two colors.
This dough will only last a few days in the refrigerator. It freezes well, at least for a while. Be careful not to use (and definitely not to eat!) if it has a bad smell or starts to mold.
The wonderful cookie cutters can be found at Progressive(R).
The wonderful cookie cutters can be found at Progressive(R).